heres some page links.

lets test a little content amount. css isnt consistent lol

The People's Republic of Rysatyer


The People's Republic of Rysatyer is an island nation on the Eastern side of the world. There is a continent to the left of it and an ocean to the right, and it generally has a colder climate.

  • History
  • Colonized by Altamara, the nation of the Western side of the globe. The first attempt at independence was 300 years ago, but was short lived through the countries directly to the left of it taking advantage of its instability and attempting to gain control of the area.

  • Geography
  • Territories are mainly determined by natural land formations, like rivers or hills. No major mountain ranges, but generally on the drier and rockier side. The northern tip is freezing, while the southern tip is temperate. Rougly 800,000 mi^2 in area. Prone to earthquakes and hard freezes in the winter.

  • Government
  • democratic socialist, france style.

  • Economy
  • main exports are metals and fish. stable trade relationship with altamara. no major enemies but has higher than average tensions with the countries "bordering" it.

  • Demographics
  • largely descendants of ingenous rysatyerics and altamara colonists. not many foreigners or immigrants simply due to the isolated culture

  • Culture
  • theres ghosts. widely known to the rest of the world that theres 100% ghosts here but the republic itself does not believe it. lack of a tourist scene due to the ghosts and uninteresting society. pretty big presence in electric musik development and advancements, but thats about it. most of their big-shot musicians and djs moved to other countries once they hit it off

  • Phonetics
  • this is just a chart mainly for my own usage to make standarized sounding city and town names. haven't decided if i want to do regular people names in the same style or not.

    aw oh yeh ee oo aa mi kh th nn s l er vh bh puh dh gh fh ch(kuh) shh zh zh(suh) sch chuh ts yoh yah yor uu ih ruh

world trivia

general trivia about the world