sol. hes sol freakin badguy he wins nothing bad about him. hes a beautiful horse no complaints. i like when hes rude and mean its fun. 9/10

ky. hes white bread but sometimes white bread is good. i like him sometimes if he was still effeminate in strive he'd be in higher standing but he got nerfed. swag decreased. 6.8/10

may. she exists. 3/10 i do not care about her at all since her main thing is liking johnny and its weird

millia. strive really couldve done more with her i feel. shes not bad i just wish she was less unchanging. also the new design is good but i miss her blue&white clothes and short hair. 6.4/10

zato. half of my enjoyment of him comes from him being voiced by takehito koyasu. the other half comes from my heavily fanonized version of him thats a freak. i wish he was still rotting though. 7.2/10

potemkin. he has no flaws hes had really good character progression across games and his design is good. i just am not really invested in him. 6.7/10

chipp. his strive physique is so rancid it made me lose all interest in him. cant even say hes roided since he put that shit behind him. hes okay 5/10

faust. my wife likes him and hes silly and tortured. 7.9/10

axl. do not give a fuck man 5/10

kliff. hes a buff grandpa 10/10 fuck everyone

testament. i like them. the hat is kinda lame but it fits do whatever you want testament. 8.2/10

justice. the xrd justice design cutting off her cock should be considered a fucking warcrime. i like her as a look into the different sides of aria, i wish it was adressed more how she was still directly aria, just under extreme mental duress. 7.9/10

baiken. shes good i just dont have too too much investment partially because of the comically large tits. 6.8/10

anji. his tits are so funny i like that his whole thing is just fucking around and exploring. i wish he was still skinny just since the idea of a guy with a completely average build being shirtless like that is quite fun to me. 6.9/10

venom. i miss you venom im glad youre retired though. god fuck if he gets in strive hes gonna get the muscle inflation treatment. im scared. dont come to strive now please. no complaints about him 8.4/10

johnny. hes just cool 7.9/10

jam. honestly i do like her and the characterization she has, i just hate the vacumn sealed tits and racism. if she didnt have those two features she'd be like 7.9, but as she is shes 3/10

dizzy. very cuteums. give her clothes though shes a mother now and the bikini just doesnt really fit her personality at all. i give her a big forehead kiss and tuck her in. 7.2/10

bridget. she got me into gg because of being transgender so i have to give her some points but shes not too interesting to me. silly girlie. 6.8/10

slayer. funny vampire man if he wasnt like happily married i'd like to see him commit some bisexuality in his character interactions. wife guy still good. excited for him in strive. 8.7/10

zappa. this is just dumgis's guy to me now. hes silly i like his thong 7.5/10

i-no. she lives in my brain(literal) so my perception is a bit warped but i like her. 8.4/10

robo-ky. bobo ky autism 9.4/10

aba. i wish her strive design was cooler but personality and character wise shes good. 7.4

sin. wheres that one sin player image imagine i embed it here. worlds funniest 5 year old. cooler than your dad 7.4

order-sol. i like his thing of being in a doomed timeline and just being kind of the worst parts of sol. self destructive guy. i put him in my palm and he bites off my finger. 8.1/10

raven. in story hes mid as fuck but he gains all enjoyment from me due to his boner meter. god bless the freakozoid. 7.3

bedman romeo. reddit asshole. rip bozo wish you were here you were so fucking funny. kind of surprised he didnt take residence in my brain but i-no did. 8.3/10

ramlethal. silly. i do not understand the appeal of her to gooners shes too much of a 'kid' to me even though shes like a quasi-adult. valentine aging fucking weird. one of the best strive designs. 8/10

elphelt. cartoon woman, very fun but not my thing. 7.4/10

leo. tragic lack of bara enjoyers drawing him, hurts my soul. in my perfect world he is known as the bara guy of gg. hes fun probably my fav out of the illyrian kings. 7.8/10

jacko. i have many thoughts and emotions about her. none of which you will get to her thats all for my brain. 9/10

haehyun. her design is really good but she suffers from newcomer disease where theres just not a lot from her and she doesnt grab me. 6/10

answer. do not give a fuck but one time richie battleguitar drew them with tits and that was great. 6/10

nagoriyuki. i hope he and elphelt get married next game and its in a story cutscene. just a guy that got roped into things, hope hes playable again next game. 7.2/10

giovanna. mid do not really care. good theme though 6.8/10

goldlewis. funniest newcomer to strive i hope he isnt playable next game but you do get to see him just like on vacation in texas. make him gay too just give him a husband thats mentioned but never shown. 8/10

happy chaos. just here to do shit. 8/10

bed no man. why did i put this here. im not rating the damn bed.

delilah. wish she was a shithead like her brother but shes still cool. 7.2/10

asuka. hes okay. 6.5/10

izuna. his pachinko hood that accounts for his ears is so cute it makes me want him in strive. probably not gonna happen though. 7.4/10

valentine. her design alone is what makes her good her personality is kind of nonexistant for story purposes. 7.5/10

eddie. haha funny dogy. 10/10

paracelsus. 9.6/10

sharon. it wouldve been so funny if she replaced slayer as the playable one. 8/10

ariels. wretched white woman i wish she got a little bit of attention in strive. 7.6/10

2cave. he's 2cave 10/10 just for that fucking name. why did daisuke name him