heres some page links.

lets test a little content amount. css isnt consistent lol

welcome to my webbed page


welcome to my website. check out those links on the side to tour some content, or just sit here and listen to the midi while viewing some skeletons.

if you need to get in contact with me for whatever reason, comment on my neocities homepage and we can go from there. have fun

flex2020 this is just a game i wanna play later

if you want to put my code on your webpage youre allowed, as long as you add my credit stamp. you can edit the css for it just make it visible and link back here

    position: absolute;
    filter: none;
    right: 0px;
    bottom: 0px;
    width: 100px;
    transition: 0.4s width;

<a href="">
<img class="noBorder" id="credit" src=

cool stuff

gonna put good gifs i like here